What Most Churches Won’t Tell You About God
Here’s what most churches won’t tell you about God:
God is NOT a power hierachy that demands compliance from created humans and then punishes them with anger if they fail to measure up.
While it might sound ‘out there,’ the truth is the God Jesus came to reveal is not a tyrant, but a servant.
What this means is, rather than seeing him as a dictator on top of a pyramid with all us poor humans having to do whatever he demands…
Jesus’ picture of God is more like the soil, or the roots of a tree, that feeds the whole organism and gives it life, and beauty, and fruit.
Did you catch that? While most religion sees God as a hierarchy of control that demands creation serve him.
Jesus saw God as the one doing the serving.
I once heard someone put it this way: “God’s throne is not the highest place in the universe, its the lowest place.”
What does this mean?
That rather than sitting on some big chair expecing his creatures to tend to him like some spoiled emperor…
He’s actually at the bottom of reality giving life, and breath, and nutrients to the whole so that we, in turn, can live and thrive.
But most churches won’t tell you this, because a coercive picture of God is what they depend on in order to control people.
It’s how they justify abuse…
Defend perpetrators…
And turn a blind eye to injustice.
Luckily, you can go to Jesus for yourself and see exactly what he taught about God in the gospels.
And if you’d like some guidance along the way, we have a 5 part workshop series on our website that explores this very topic in detail.
It’s titled, “Decolonizing God”.
And just in case you aren’t familiar with the term “Decolonizing”…
It basically means separating our picture of God from the abusive pictures of him that empires have created throughout history (and to this very day)…
In order to defend their abuse of power.
In this course, you’ll learn how to:
See God the way Jesus saw him
Read scripture in a way that heals, rather than harms
Build resilience against high-control religions and the ideas they push
Find freedom from toxic theology like “male domination/ female submission” and more
Discover the truth about who God is that most churches don’t talk about so you can heal your faith, rebuild trust in Creators good heart, and guide your family in the healing way of Jesus.
You will not only feel seen in this course, you will feel confident about the heart of God by wrestling with all those negative pictures that have caused you fear for so long.
Available only on The Hunger App.